Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 in total

Eli: Decoding the Marketing War in Ukraine - The Power of Perception

Explore the information warfare strategies of Ukraine and Russia. From President Zelenskyy's shirt colour to Putin's grip on power, we'll uncover the critical tactics ...

Thomas: How to bring the establishment to the climate conversation?

Thomas Teuwen is a retired businessman who had 3 companies in the manufacturing, mining, energy and technology sectors. He developed a Pledge that has the potential to...

Eli : How Russia plans to win the war in Ukraine?

This is the second episode with Eli Finer in which we explore Russia's actions and plans. We talk about their changing narrative, why the West finds it so hard to unde...

Fairy Creek - Kikila & Government Control

Kikila is a 43-year-old historian currently doing his PhD on how can we be a better allyship to indigenous people. We talk about how and why the oppressed people be...

Fairy Creek - Unity & Police Violence

Unity is a 54-year-old general contractor, a land artist and an experienced first responder. After a near-death experience 15 years ago, he understood how life is a te...

Why did Putin invade Ukraine?

Finally got my husband Eli Finer to speak on the podcast about the war in Ukraine. He was born in Soviet Russia, his dad is from Ukraine and he has a very unique persp...

Fairy Creek: WaYa & White Guilt

Fairy Creek series / Part 7 Wa-Ya is a white 24-year-old land defender, who spent about 4 months at the Fairy Creek blockade in the Summer of 2021. He was doing hi...

Sgt. Holt - Police Power

Sergeant Nate Holt is from the Nelson police department. This conversation is my first attempt to hear the police side in the environmental conflict. In the recent...

David Lapp - Polarization

David Lapp is the director of We The People Forum, a branch of Braver Angels, an NGO for depolarizing America. We have a fascinating conversation about conflict solvi...

Fairy Creek - Driftwood & Integrating the Experience

Fairy Creek series / Part 6 Driftwood is a fascinating and honest core figure at the Fairy Creek blockade who's been working to save the old-growth forest since the...

Fairy Creek - Glenn & Rainbow Eyes & The Future

Fairy Creek series / Part 5 Glenn and Rainbow Eyes are deeply involved with the Fairy Creek blockade and community. They talk about their experience with the RCMP...

Fairy Creek - Bill Jones & The History of Oppression

Fairy Creek Series / Part 4 Elder Bill Jones is 81 years old and is the spiritual leader of the Fairy Creek blockade. In this conversation, he shares his persona...

Fairy Creek - Naas & Native Youth

Fairy Creek Series / Part 3 Naas is a passionate land defender, 24 years old, a two-spirit warrior (a term we talk about in the podcast) and a native youth leader f...

MarMar - How can transgenders help to bridge the racial divide?

Fairy Creek Series / Part 2 Mar-Mar is a young, white, transgender activist who fights for BIPOC voices to be heard. Mar-Mar is speaking about the rift with White p...

Fairy Creek - Eartha & Racism

Fairy Creek Series / Part 1 Eartha is a 68-year-old activist and is one of the first organizers of the Fairy Creek blockade that has become the largest civil disobe...

Natasha - Deep Canvassing

Natasha Edmunds is an environmental activist and an expert in deep engagement canvassing. Natasha has been using this tactic to change minds, fight Climate change and ...

Peter - Why it's so hard to understand what sustainable and what's not?

This is eyes opening conversation with Dr Peter Wood, a forestry expert. Peter explains the history of conflict around logging practices in BC old-growth forests and ...

Brenton - Cannabis & Racism

Today I'm talking with Brenton Raby. He shares his insight and challenges as a life long cannabis activist and his concern with the government expanding its power and ...

Rik Logtenberg - City Conflicts

Today I'm talking with Rick Logtenberg. He is an environmental activist, entrepreneur a city counsellor, and the founder of Climate Caucus Canada. We explore conflicts...

Norm - No for Solar Panels

I'm talking with Norm Yanke, a retired electrician who used to install solar panels for remote communities. He opposes the city of Nelson's plan to expand solar panel ...

Alex - Organic Markets

Alex is a former activist that wants the environmental movement to wake up and step up. He advocates innovation, nuclear power and organic markets in ideas and solutio...

Garth - Climate Change Conflict

Garth, a well-spoken 67 years old climate activist, asks how can we coexist in a world when people don't listen to each other and can't even agree on the same reality....

Keith - Climate Debates

Keith Weily is a climate veteran who courageously reflects back on years of debating and arguing and exploring his motives and intentions. He realizes he doesn't want ...

Mymoon - Fossil Fuels Divestment

Mymoon Bhuiyan is here to make a difference. He is studying engineering to speak the language of the industry, to lead the change from the inside. We talk about the li...

Sophie - Divest Canada

Sophie Price, founder of Divest Canada in Ottowa, and I talk about the divestment coalition, Climate education, justice, indigenous people, the importance of passive s...

Jamie - Difficult (Climate) Conversations

Jamie is the co-founder of the youth branch of StopEcocide Canada and an active supporter of Friday For Future in the last 2 years. He shares the deifficult conversati...

Waya - Empowering Talk

Wa-ya is a young activist who found a unique way to empower people to realize they can make a difference. He shares his story, talks about what motivates him to take a...

Andrea - Feminism and Agression

In this conversation with Andrea Elizabeth Diaz, we talk about feminism, relationships and injustice. Andrea shares how she works with being triggered by aggressive ma...